A song
However, if there are going to be real peace talks then Kony and Vincent Otti and the other top leaders must participate in the discussion.
They cannot rely on delegating. They must be there themselves.
This notion of talking peace, it becomes a song - everybody talks of bringing peace, they say how they will meet, they say of their plans to discuss what needs to be done. But then nothing comes out of it.
Nothing is done, nothing happens. Like a song the process repeats itself. It becomes joke-like and then we don't take it seriously.
The Langi want peace and will struggle to attain harmony.
None of the Langi brothers have ever gone into the bush to fight.
Go home
If peace succeeds, there will be no need for the Langi to stay in the IDP camps. They will move back, go home and be resettled in their homes, and when they do they will start taking part in cultural activities.
Kony's intention is to play over Ugandan politics and gain international fame for having been a thorn in Museveni's side
Herbert Masaba, Kampala
Send us your comments
At present we have very little infrastructure in the communities that will be resettled. There are no schools educating our children. Health centres require reconstruction. Roads need to be built and boreholes must be drilled.
So long as we have confirmation of security then these projects can begin, as soon as we are sure that peace can come.
Unfortunately the funding for these projects is not there. Money is not available because for the last three/four years, people have not been involved in economic activities.
The people are poor.
When they are resettled they will have no food. They will struggle to survive, it will take a lot of input and effort to get things growing, to produce food.
We are opening land so that it is cleared and ready to be planted but we are appealing for things like farming implements, seeds and necessary technical services.
These can come from any source.
We will welcome any, and all, help that is offered, be it from the government or non-governmental organisations (NGOs) or even any international organisation that sympathise with these people's plight.
You can also send us your views and experiences.
If you would be willing to speak to the BBC News website about the situation, please send us your phone number. It will not be published.
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