Israel unites over trauma of Gaza withdrawal
August 21, 2005
Police escort an Israeli woman and her child from their home in the southern Gaza settlement at Kfar Darom last week.
Photo: Reuters
The Gaza pull-out has been a triumph of the secular state over religious fanaticism, writes Hirsh Goodman.
Perhaps the most important consequence of Israel's pullback from Gaza was an unintended one: the supremacy of democracy in over theocracy. Simmering under the surface of Israeli polity since the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin has been the question of who calls the shots, granted a poor choice of words given the context, but an accurate one.
In the months before the disengagement, some West Bank rabbis were calling on troops to disobey orders when it came to removing settlements. After the Knesset vote to implement the disengagement, they called the decision immoral and illegal.
At a news conference the next morning, a spokesman for the Judea and Samaria Council of Rabbis essentially said that no politician had the right to give away God's land and it was God's will that soldiers not obey orders. Given that about 30 per cent of the officers of the Israeli ground forces are modern Orthodox, many of them graduates of the pre-military yeshivas (centres of religious learning) run by some of the rabbis calling on them to disobey orders, the potential for disaster was huge.
AdvertisementThose officers, some of them very senior, even generals, many of them battalion and platoon commanders, had been taught all their lives to obey rabbis and God's word. Who were they to listen to? Their defection could have meant the collapse of the army's ability to carry out the will of the people.
The dilemmas posed were real and became even more so when one religious recruit in front of a battery of television cameras threw down his weapon and said he would never serve in an army that came to evict Jews from God-given land; that he would never be part of an army that uproots Jewish homes in contradiction of Torah law.
But he was one of only a handful who did refuse to obey orders — less than 100 out of an estimated 11,000 troops directly involved in the disengagement. By comparison there have been more than 500 conscientious objectors who have refused to serve in the occupied territories in recent years.
Democracy won the day and in no small way thanks to some of the West Bank rabbis themselves, who realised that their colleagues had gone too far; that Israel was on the edge of fratricide; that, as in the Bar Kochba revolt of ancient Roman times, the state would not be destroyed by an outside force but from within; that the modern state of Israel was in real jeopardy.
Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein from Gush Etzion wrote an article in the Israeli newspaper Ha'aretz saying that yes, Jews must obey every letter of the Torah, but at the same time they have to obey every letter of the law of the land. This, he wrote, is what the Torah teaches and it was messages like his that, unlike at the time of the Rabin assassination, when the rabbis were disturbingly silent on the brewing violence around them, resolved the dilemmas of many.
Those who claimed to speak in the name of God were marginalised, which would weaken them and their message in the future. They were identified as Zealots, the same brand that led to the Roman capture of Jerusalem and destruction of the Temple by burning the food and killing those Jews inside the city who opposed them.
The wild youngsters who held out on the roof of the synagogue at Kfar Darom and hurled everything that came to hand, including some form of acid, at the troops coming to eject them, have been arrested and will be charged and tried.
In a remarkable way this disengagement that so split Israel while it was being debated and planned, has united the country as seldom before. The nation wept as television footage began coming in of the first evictions — families leaving homes they had lived in for decades; soldiers handing over the eviction notices wept too. Given the sensitivity of the task, it was delegated to the highest ranking officers in the military, men hardened by war who now had tears streaming down their cheeks as parents and children were moved out of their homes.
In one defining moment a television camera documented the commander of the highly decorated Golani brigade coming face-to-face with a man who had served under him. "How can I consider you the enemy, my commander, my hero, my brother?" the evicted settler asked. "But you have come to take my home." And then tearfully both embraced and all of Israel embraced with them. It was a scene that instantly bound together the country's mainstream, religious and secular, those pro-disengagement and those against it, soldiers and settlers. They were brothers notwithstanding the agony involved.
It became clear that the extremists were on the fringe of Israeli society and not the mainstream. The fringes included Jewish terrorists who in two cases attacked and killed innocent Palestinians in vengeance for the Gaza disengagement. There were settler parents threatening to throw their children out of the second-storey windows of their homes if the eviction orders were carried out.
A dozen Lubavitch yeshiva students from the US holed up in a bunker in Kfar Darom and said they would set themselves alight if anyone tried to evict them.
Scores of Messianic fanatics wielded weapons from the rooftops of one settlement threatening to kill anyone who came into their line of fire. There were hard-nosed religious nationalists who spat at the soldiers and policemen carrying out the eviction and called them Nazis, some even wearing the Yellow Star with "Jude" on it as they left their homes.
And there were the wailing rabbis who tore their clothes and prayed from the book of Lamentations, sobbing over the giving up of land that had once been conquered, they claim, from the Philistines by King David.
But it was the vast majority of voices, rather than the conflict, that dominated the event. This was symbolised in a poignant moment on the third night of the disengagement when two massive circles of singers and dancers, one for men, the other for women, formed outside the yeshiva in Kfar Darom. Soldiers and religious youngsters — who had infiltrated into the region where most of the settlements are to try to ensure that the disengagement did not take place — had joined together. Those opposed realised the battle had been lost and it was time to walk towards the future in hope.
There is much to learn from the Gaza disengagement. Israel has shown it can act unilaterally when it is in its own interests to do so. This was something the Palestinians had not taken into account. Until now, the Israeli settlement movement had not only dominated, but often dictated, Israeli policy. It is clear they are no longer invincible.
More settlement issues remain. The US has said unequivocally that after the Gaza disengagement is over Israel must demolish dozens of illegal settlements on the West Bank as part of the "Road Map" towards peace with the Palestinians. Israel's Government is committed to the creation of a Palestinian state with provisional borders that will have contiguity on the West Bank.
That will require the removal of about 60 small and outlying settlements. Can the same unity that emerged after the trauma of evacuating the Gaza settlements be expected when it comes to evacuating settlements in the heart of biblical Israel — the West Bank, Judea and Samaria?
It is not clear that Prime Minister Ariel Sharon will have to navigate the waters he has just parted leading the people of Israel out of the swamp of Gaza. Elections are in the air and Benjamin Netanyahu, Sharon's political nemesis, is out to take the party leadership away from him.
In this he has strong backing. But Sharon is a shrewd and ruthless politician who wants to stay in power. If necessary he will split the Likud party, allowing Netanyahu to lead a depleted party beholden to the right, while he leads the new Likud and brings into its fold those who are disaffected with the centralist Shinui party, which has 16 Knesset seats, and those who have become disaffected with a leaderless Labor Party that has lost its way.
If there is an election, Sharon will decide on its timing, not the opposition. He will probably call it earlier rather than later, before Netanyahu has time to raise money and organise and while the aura of leadership displayed in the bold decision to disengage from Gaza is still strong. He will probably win and if and when that happens, it remains to be seen what will occur when the next round of the settlement issue emerges.
Hirsh Goodman is author of Let Me Create a Paradise and senior fellow at the Jaffee Centre for Strategic Studies at Tel Aviv University.
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