Gaza celebrates end of occupation
By Neve Dekalim, Gaza Strip
September 13, 2005
A Palestinian youth stands in front of the demolished synagogue in the former Jewish settlement of Netzarim.
Photo: AP
Jubilant Palestinians planted flags on the rubble of Jewish settlements and set synagogues ablaze today as Israeli troops pulled out of the Gaza Strip after 38 years of occupation.
"This is a day of happiness and joy that the Palestinian people have not witnessed for a century," President Mahmoud Abbas told reporters in Gaza City.
Palestinian forces waving victory signs took over while tanks and armoured vehicles trundled out in the dark, for the first time giving up settlements on land claimed by Palestinians and leaving them a volatile testing ground for statehood.
"The mission has been completed," said Brigadier Aviv Kochavi after the gates closed at the main crossing point.
"Israel's presence of 38 years has come to an end."
But rancour over the fate of synagogues clouded hopes the pullout would help revive peacemaking as Washington wants.
Attacking what they saw as symbols of hated occupation, youths set ablaze several of the houses of worship left behind in 21 settlements evacuated last month under Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's plan to disengage from conflict.
Adding to tensions, Israel demanded today that the buildings be preserved.
Removing Gaza's 8,500 settlers has won Sharon international accolades.
The final stage of the pullout was compressed into less than 24 hours instead of the four days officials predicted.
But while Palestinians welcome the withdrawal, they fear Sharon is trading Gaza, home to 1.4 million Palestinians, for a permanent hold on larger areas of the occupied West Bank where 245,000 Jewish settlers live isolated from 2.4 million Arabs.
Palestinians were also angry that Israel, citing security reasons, will continue to control Gaza's border crossings, air space and waters and say the occupation is far from over.
Celebratory gunfire overnight gave way to festive scenes.
Thousands of Palestinians brought their families to nose around former settlements, licking ice creams and sucking on sweets.
"Before, this was a symbol of fear and evil. Today it's a place to visit and a source of happiness," said building worker Abdullah Salah, 35, in the biggest settlement of Neve Dekalim.
In demolished enclaves in north Gaza, Palestinians scavenged for everything from roof tiles to bathtubs, carrying away their finds by car, bicycle and cart.
Israeli troops cheered and hugged one another as they crossed out of Gaza, scene of some of the worst bloodshed since the uprising blew up in 2000 after peace talks failed.
Israeli commanders had first planned to bypass poor and densely populated Gaza in the 1967 war.
Even after capturing it, some Israeli leaders expressed reservations about ruling a territory seen by many Israelis as a costly liability.
President Abbas's first task will be to enforce order and rein in militant groups which refuse to disarm.
Israel has threatened massive retaliation if attacks from Gaza continue.
- Reuters
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