Wednesday, February 4, 2009

oil crisis

What does the future hold for oil?
Oil depletion is inevitable, coming soon, and significantly, comes down to cases. Different countries will suffer from decline in different ways: UK, Mexico, Indonesia.
Can new supplies be brought on-line on time and at a reasonable price?
No, but even if they could, the carbon footprint of non-conventional oil dramatically limits its potential to offset oil depletion.
Furthermore, every attempt to flog non-solutions (tar sands, shale, coal-to-liquids, hydrogen, ethanol) is precious time lost to get to plausible alternatives.
Therefore net energy is the essential metric to find out which technologies can save the day.
What strategies can the USA pursue to [create conditions for] stability?
Especially for the USA, the automobile is our nemesis. In the 21st century it is a travesty that it takes 4,000 pounds of metal to move 200 pounds of people. That's only 5% efficient! Solar energy is sufficient to power high capacity transport - 100% - using only the system's 4' to 8' right-of-way.

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